Thursday, October 26, 2006

Gracanica Monastery, Symbol of Kosovo


and now...


Anonymous said...

Wow nice church or monistary i can tell what it is....

Blackbird said...

Gracanica is a monastery, and yes it is very beautiful, but nowadays it is surrounded by barbed wire because given half a chance the Kosovo Albanians would be very happy to destroy such a historical monument because it represents Christianity, even though it is supposedly protected by organizations such as UNESCO. Hundreds of churches in Kosovo have been destroyed or badly damaged by the Albanians, while at the same time they have been building huge mosques honoring the likes of Osama Bin Laden with Saudi money.

Anonymous said...


Is there an entry fee to visit the Gracanica monastery?


Best Regards,


Blackbird said...

No, there is no charge to see Gracanica. It's definitely worth the effort to visit -- once inside the gates you will be overcome with a sense of peace. It's like entering another world.